Here in this post, apart from JCI Insight Impact Factor, I have tried to compile all the necessary information a research scholar would seek before publishing an article in the journal.
About JCI Insight Journal
JCI Insight is a Gold Open Access journal that has a 2022 Impact Factor (updated in June 2023) of 8.
The Journal publishes well-executed, high-quality studies that provide meaningful contributions to the understanding of the biology and/or treatment of disease, with an emphasis on clinically relevant basic and translational research.
JCI Insight Impact Factor
Impact Factor (IF) or often called journal impact factor (JIF) is an index provided by an analytics company named Clarivate. The impact factor is calculated by dividing the number of times the articles are cited in the last two years by the total number of publications in those two years.
- Total Citations in 2020 and 2021 = 500
- Total Number of Publications in 2020 and 2021 = 100
- Impact Factor of the Journal in 2022 = 500/100 = 5
JCI Insight Impact Factor (2018-2022)
- JCI Insight Impact Factor 2018 – 6.014
- JCI Insight Impact Factor 2019 – 6.205
- JCI Insight Impact Factor 2020 – 8.315
- JCI Insight Impact Factor 2021 – 9.484
- JCI Insight Impact Factor 2022 – 8 (updated in June 2023)
JCI Insight Impact Factor 2022
JCI Insight H-index
The h index is a metric for evaluating the cumulative impact of an author’s scholarly output and performance; measures quantity with quality by comparing publications to citations.

The h index of JCI Insight Journal is 68, which means among all the published articles in this journal, 68 of these publications have received at least 68 citations each.
JCI Insight Journal Metrics
JCI Insight CiteScore
CiteScore (CS) of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2018 | 5.289 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2019 | 6.074 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2020 | 7.545 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2021 | 9.484 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2018 | 5.289 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2019 | 6.080 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2020 | 7.417 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2021 | 9.079 |
JCI Insight SCImago Rank
The SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) indicator is a measure of the scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where the citations come from.
Year | SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) |
2019 | 3.176 |
2020 | 4.099 |
2021 | 3.640 |
JCI Insight Editorial Board Members
- Editor-in-chief- Kathleen L. Collins
- Deputy Editors – Andrew Lieberman, Donna Martin, Pavan Reddy
- Associate Editors
- Maria G. Castro
- Y. Eugene Chen
- Sharlene M. Day
- Gregory R. Dressler
- David A. Fox
- Katherine A. Gallagher
- Santhi Ganesh
- Johann E. Gudjonsson
- Nobuhiko Kamada
- Nicholas W. Lukacs
- Carey Lumeng
- Daniel E. Michele
- Lona Mody
- Bethany B. Moore
- Marina Pasca di Magliano
- Subramaniam Pennathur
- Darleen Sandoval
- Ernestina Schipani
- Yatrik Shah
- Andrew Tai
- Weiping Zou
JCI Insight Publication Fee
JCI Insight is an open-access journal. The publication fee for JCI Insight is US$4,100 (excluding taxes).
JCI Insight Review Time
JCI Insight prioritizes rapid publication and because its an open access journal, the papers are immediately available upon publication to the research community and beyond.
Submission to First Decision | 5.8 days |
Submission to first post-review decision | 28.7 days |
JCI Insight Reference Style
Journal articles
- Keane L, et al. mTOR-dependent translation amplifies microglia priming in aging mice. J Clin Invest. 2021;131(1):e132727.
- Khan SS, Greenland P. Comprehensive cardiovascular health promotion for successful prevention of cardiovascular disease. JAMA. 2020;324(20):2036–2037.
Online ahead of print
- van der Hoek L. Identification of a new human coronavirus [published online October 21, 2009]. Nat Med.
In press
- Jacovina AT. Homocysteine inhibits neoangiogenesis in mice through blockade of annexin A2–dependent fibrinolysis. J Clin Invest. In press.
- Baumgart J, et al. Soluble tubulin is locally enriched at mitotic centrosomes in C. elegans [preprint]. Posted on bioRxiv February 6, 2019.
Entire books
- Ellis RW, Brodeur BR, eds. Bacterial Vaccines. Landes Bioscience; 2003.
Articles in books
- Jacobsen D. Practical chemistry of homocysteine and other thiols. In: Carmel R, Jacobsen D, eds. Homocysteine in Health and Disease. Cambridge University Press; 2001:9–20.
- National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Asthma Risk Factors and Prevention Research. Updated April 5, 2018. Accessed November 5, 2020.
Presentations at meetings
- Morales M, Zhou X. Health practices of immigrant women: indigenous knowledge in an urban environment. Paper presented at: 78th Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting; November 6–10, 2015; St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Accessed March 15, 2020.
JCI Insight Endnote Style
You can download the JCI Insight Endnote Style and JCI Insight Zotero Style
JCI Insight Abbreviation
The ISO 4 standard abbreviation for abstracting, indexing and referencing purposes of JCI Insight is “JCI Insight“
JCI Insight Acceptance Rate
The acceptance rate of a journal is the ratio of the number of articles submitted to the number of articles published.
The average acceptance rate of JCI Insight journal is not known
JCI Insight Indexed in
Science is indexed in Scopus, SCImago, Web of Science, and UGC journal ranking

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